Thursday, June 04, 2009

Distrssing A Window Page

I hope that you are going to be getting your kit soon. There are so many gorgeous things in the kit, and I really don't want anyone to miss out LOL

I am not sure if there is technically a word such as 'window page', but I figured we create windows in cards, so why not do the same thing (well sort of) like that on a layout. This is what I did. I took a very bright piece of paper from the June kit. Then I took another piece of patterned paper from the kit, and turned it over to have a nice color combination of my layout. What I do then is probably the most fun. I Cut!!! Then I cut a rough circle out of the top page. I did a good size, but you can customize to your own fit. I distress and roll the edges, and even dampen the edges of the piece of paper. I love the way that the distressed circle patterned paper makes a layout look. It just adds such a fun little element. I love doing this, and have done a few different layouts where I have used this technique. It's fun, simple, and you can use punches, cut out large Circles or Squares. I have also used crackle paint on the top piece of paper or cardstock for an even more amazing effect. Here is my example of this technique using the Window Page.

Thank y'all again for stopping by, and I hope to see you next Thursday : D Have a great weekend, and if your kids are getting out of school YAY good for you and them!


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