Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Tip for Tuesday: using the reverse sides of your papers.

*ETA* I hadn't read yesterday's post yet, shame on me! Let's call this post an extension of the previous one, shall we?! ;)

How are you today? Is the weather nice in your neck of the woods? We've had a cold and rainy month of May here, and they say June wont be any better. *sigh*

My tip today is to use the reverse sides of your patterned papers. A few years ago, I was always reluctant to the "back side" of my papers. After all, the front was so cute, how could I hide it?! I've since come to accept that the reverse side is just as good as the front and deserves it's own time in the spotlight! :)

On the following layout, made with the June kit, I used the "wrong side" of my papers except for the one used to mat my pictures.

The orangey background comes from this Cosmo Cricket piece of paper. It doesn't mean the "main" pattern needs to go to waste. Like Stacy talked about a few weeks ago, I cut out the middle of the paper and used it later on my "E-Y-U" layout.

The blue paper is the reverse side of Sunkissed by Fancy Pants.

Finally, the green paper comes from this. Notice that I also used the wave on my layout. Nothing is lost, just stretched out to the max!

So let's not think of them as "back sides" anymore. Let's call them "the middle child": often forgotten, but just as important!


Blogger Stacy Milford said...

LOL about your "middle child" comment! Too funny! Great post today!

6:47 AM  

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