Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Jenni Bowlin Rub-Ons

I was so excited to see that the June kit included some Jenni Bowlin alpha rub-ons. I love Jenni Bowlin products, I had a blast working with the rub-ons, they are very sticky but it's a good thing because they go on like butter!!!

One technique I used with the rub-ons is to make them look like individual alpha stickers, see layout below. I cut a small strip of cardstock, applied the rub-ons, cut each letter out, inked the letters and applied to my layout with a pop-dot. I really love this technique and the effect it provides.

I hope you will have fun trying this on your los. Can't wait to see your creations!!



Blogger Stacy Milford said...

Great layout Melanie! & I LOVE look you created with the mini alphas!

6:49 AM  

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