Friday, July 10, 2009

Go ahead...use a sketch!!!

Happy Friday everyone! I'm always just amazed by how fast life seems to be flying by...always so glad to see Friday, but then stop & wonder what happened to the week!?!

Have you ever used a sketch? If not, give it a try! I have "lifted" layouts before, but in just the last year I have become a sketch-a-holic! For me, it's all about time. Because I work full-time outside of my home, the little bits of scrappy time I do have need to be used wisely! Rather than spending hours deciding on design, I prefer to find a sketch that suites my photo(s) and theme...then I can get to the good stuff! Playing with scrappy goodies!

Some of my favorite sketches come from PageMaps and 52sketches52weeks. The layout that I want to share today is based on a sketch from 52sketches52weeks and I didn't change it much. Sometimes it works to rotate or flip the really make it your own.

Here's the sketch that inspired me:

and here's my layout "the only ONE for me":

I snapped this photo of my DH on Father's Day and it's one of my recent favorites. I converted it to black & white and then pulled out the July Kit from Scrapbook Circle...I know that everyone has already said this, but the Cosmo Cricket Early Bird line is absolutely WONDERFUL! And who says you can't use flowers on a guy layout??? Another one of my favorites in the July kit is the Sandbox Swiss Dot it! I used it as the background to this layout :0)

and finally, here's a close up of those beautiful Kaiser Rhinestones, Making Memories journaling spots and Sassafras cardstock stickers:

Now...go find a sketch & create something fabulous!

Take care & have a great weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did a great job using this sketch :) Love your layout!!

10:42 AM  

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