Thursday, July 02, 2009

Cosmo Cricket - Be Still My Heart!

I am in love....

with the July kit! Oh my goodness, this is probably my most favorite kit so far. Everything about it is fantastic! The papers are WOW!!! I love to stitch on my layouts, cards, tags, and well, basically I can :D I have had so much fun with this kit and stitching. Stitching can add so much to a project. You can have a serious single stitch for cards! Jazz it up with a fun zig zag! Or one of my favorite little things to do is to take and do a straight stitch but to do it multiple times around the edges of a layout. The key is not to follow a line. Let it go out of bounds. Let it be a little messy. Let it curve. It gives it such a fantastic element to the layout, and will actually help add to the theme. This layout has some additional embellishments, but make sure and notice the stitching. I also took some sequins and ran an adhesive line, adhered the sequins to it and stitched over it. I hope that the you will try and stitch on one of your projects. Play around with the different stitches and thread colors. If you don't have a sewing machine, then hand stitch. You will love the results :)

I hope that everyone has a fantastic Fourth of July!! Happy Birthday America :D I will see you back next Thursday!


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