Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Scrapbooking the everyday.

I often get comments on my style of scrapbooking. Not about the design, but about the stories. I tend to chronicle the day-to-day. The little things my kids say or things they do at a certain moment in their life. Things that make you go "aaaawwww" when they happen, but are so quickly forgotten.

I wrote a post about this a while ago (see here), but now I thought I'd talk to you about how I go about chronicling all these stories.

You can see what I mean in the following layouts (the first two were made with the June 09 kit):

So how do I do it? Do I have some sort of phenomenal memory? Nothing like that, I assure you. What I have is a calendar and a trusty notebook. My calendar has big squares for each day of the week. Every time my kids say and/or do something noteworthy, I go to it and quickly write it down:

If it's a long story, I'll often do a blog post about it to share with my friends and family. In that case, I'll go on my calendar for the day of my blog post and remind myself that I have a story online.

Once the month is over, I transcribe everything back in a notebook. It takes 10 minutes of my time and all of the stories are together in one place.

When comes the time for me to scrap a random picture (I call "random" all those pictures that I like, but that have no specific stories attached to them), I simply go to my notebook and find a story to tell. Easy-peasy. These are the stories I'll love reading again in 20 years!


Blogger Unknown said...

I love this idea. What a great way to help you remember your stories.

3:01 PM  

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