Thursday, August 13, 2009

Still creating....

The monthly kits here at Scrapbook Circle continue to amaze me! I thought the June kit was wonderful...then came the July kit with all of its Cosmo Cricket Early Bird I am totally IN LOVE with the Boyfriend in the August kit! (Okay, there wasn't a real boyfriend in the kit, but the Cosmo Cricket line is love at first sight for me!!!)

So why am I going on & on about these kits??? Because I'm still pulling items from these kits & creating layouts, that's why!

Here's a layout that I recently created for the PageMaps blog contest. The layout had to have a summer theme, so I immediately pulled out the June kit and started playing!

Here's the sketch:
and here's what I came up with "Soak up the Sun"

I used supplies from the June, July & August kits! I'm sure that I have said this before, but you just gotta LOVE that!!!

Here's a close up of a fun new technique that I have used several times recently:
It adds so much dimension to the layout & is really pretty easy, as long as you have a little bit of patience :0) If you are interested, there is a great tutorial over at 52Sketches52Weeks in their forum.

& finally, a close up of the fabulous little October Afternoon Road Map label stickers from the August kit:
Thanks for stopping by today! Hope you have a great weekend...& SOAK UP THE SUN!!!!

Take care! Stacy


Blogger L.Wood-Sing4God said...

I agree totally Stacy - the kits are devine!! Love your layout. The stitched frame is AWESoME!

6:23 PM  

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