Sunday, March 22, 2009

Card kit clubs

I have been in a wonderful card 'club' for years now. I really like how easy and stress-free it is, so I thought I'd share how we do it.

One lady is 'in charge' and she chooses the deadline date and e-mails all of us with the 'theme' if there is one and the date. We all need to reply so we know how many of us are 'in' for that go round. Each go round is optional -- just depending on if you have the time to participate or not. Then, she replies with the final number of participants for that round. Normally it is about 12. Then, we each make 12 identical cards. On or before the specified date, we get them to her and she disperses them back to all 12 of us -- only now we have one of each of the 12 types of cards! I now live in a different state and my friend in charge is kind enough to mail me my batch of cards. I LOVE getting that package in the mail!

It is great because I only have to be creative enough to come up with one card design, and then sit and watch a movie while I punch out 12 copies of that card. Then, magically (ok, not so much magic, but an organized friend) I get 12 fun, different, exciting cards!

I have a huge box of cards now ready to use for all sorts of situations.


Blogger Stacy Milford said...


What a neat idea! I think it would be fun to, are you going to organize this for us scrappy ladies @ Scrapbook Circle???

11:35 AM  

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