Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Real-Life "Embellishments"

The other day I was thinking about how scrapbooking has changed. Once upon a time it was little tid-bits of found objects from real life memories and adventures (ticket-stubs, a wrapper from a gift, dried flowers, bits of fabric from a dress, etc.) and how now we are more apt to use pre-made embellishments that may "fit" with the sharing of the memory but not from the the memory or event that actually took place. I want to try to do better about fitting in a little of the real-life stuff now and again easy and fun way that I thought of right away was to share Zoey's handprints using paint on a layout.

To make prints, prepare a flat surface. Next, put acrylic paint into a paper plate. Then, have your child place his or her hands in the paint and then on your scrapbook surface, one at a time.
After the paint dries, you will have a permanent record of your child's handprints and have captured a moment in time quite literally.

What a sweet keepsake and a fun one too!


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