Sunday, March 15, 2009

journaling ideas

Most of the time, our layouts are about the photos. That is why we scrapbook, right? To show off our lives and our kids through photos -- preserving history. But, occasionally I find it fun to do a layout journaling only. It might seem boring, but in years to come, I bet I will spend more time looking and reading these pages than glancing at those photo pages I spent hours on.

However, I don't have time to sit and fill up a 12x12 page with journaling? So, what do I do? Copy and paste, my friend. How many of you blog? How many of you are on facebook? How many of you right e-mails to friends or family members? Take some of these and copy them into a word document. Print them out onto acid-free cardstock and make a layout of them!

This is a great way to use up those random letters that you have left over from all those alphabets -- I use up paper that I might not ordinarily use for a photo layout. When people are looking through my scrapbooks, these are always the pages they stop and read. I'd never submit any of them for publication -- I maybe spend 15 minutes on a page -- but they are preserving history! And, that, my friends, it what this is all about!


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