Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Scrapbook Circle Design Team Call

We are excited to announce that we are looking for new members for our design team!

Our current design team ladies have been absolutely wonderful and amazing and we are sad to see them move on, but sometimes change is good.

Here are all of of the details for the design team call:

What’s in it for you?

  • Our monthly kits of newly released scrapbook supplies delivered to you!
  • Exposure on Scrapbook Circle’s gallery, blog and community
  • A chance to share what you love with others
  • 25% off any extras you want to purchase (shipped free with your kit!)

What do you do if you are chosen?

  • Complete 4 layouts each month using the kit of the month
  • Post weekly on our blog
  • Participate daily in our forums/community
  • Commit to a 6 month design team term
  • Participate in our online crops/challenges
  • Promote Scrapbook Circle where you feel it is appropriate (blogs, forums, etc.)

How do you apply?

Email the following to

  • 5 images of your favorite layouts you have created
  • Link to your blog (if you have one)
  • Short bio including why you want to be on our design team
  • List of other current design teams you participate on
  • List of any scrapbook forums where you regularly participate

All submissions are due by Wednesday, April 8.

We will announce the new design team members by Wednesday, April 15. The new DT members will start with the May Kit.

We are excited to see your work!



Blogger ~Telah said...

Yea! This is great to hear!

11:15 AM  
Blogger Stacy Milford said...

Very exciting! Sad too, though because the current design team has been so great! & inspiring!!!

11:19 AM  
Blogger Michelle H. said...

I look forward to seeing who the new DT members will be! Sad to see the current ones to leave!

1:33 PM  

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