Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Blog Headers

Do you have a blog? If so, how do you create your blog header? Some use photos, some do digital headers... I prefer to make my blog header using my papercrafting kits! Almost every month I try to use a kit and create a fresh new header. This month, the April kit was perfect! I think this blog header will work for April & May, don't you?


Blogger Stacy Milford said...

Candace, great blog header! I currently use a photo...but am so tempted to give this a try!

8:00 AM  
Blogger Peggy said...

I've yet to make a blog header, I keep postponing the moment thinking I'm just not ready yet and I want it to be perfect. I love this header, thanks so much for the inspiration.
xxx Peggy

8:13 AM  
Blogger Ann Arbogast said...

I have only made (scrapped) one blog header before, and that's the one on my sketch blog. I plan on scrapping one for my main blog, but haven't got around to it yet.
I love the look of a scrapped header.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Stephanie Baxter said...

I think it'll work perfectly! :) Very spring-like! I've yet to make a decent header for my blog...maybe I'll follow your lead and use my scrappy supplies!

3:12 PM  
Blogger Sandy said...

LOVE that! I've never done a hand-made header - gonna give it a try (what a clever way to show off a current kit...). (-:

3:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Candace - I love all of your headers, but this could be my favorite. Love everything about it!

4:49 PM  
Blogger Jennie Blaser said...

How do you put a blog header in? I have a blog, but it is pretty simple!

6:12 PM  
Blogger ellen s. said...

i try to switch my header up a bit but not as much as i do. i like the idea of using one of my lo's. i think it is a great way to show off your kit!!! ;)

8:22 AM  
Blogger CalleLillyCafe said...

I LOVE THIS! Great idea w/kits!

12:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is gorgeous! I always use a photo, this makes me want to switch. What size do you do it in?

4:11 AM  
Blogger Robin Gibson said...

Hey, GREAT header!! LOVE that idea too! I have used a photo in the past, and currently, r-e-a-l-l-y need to change mine to something fab! Thanks for the idea and inspiration!

2:27 PM  
Blogger Audrey Yeager said...

I made one I made one! I posted it HERE in the gallery:


3:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Great Article!
By the way, take a look at this site www.vismomedia.com and get paid for hosting cool videos in your blogs.

7:30 AM  

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