Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Use Those Scraps!

Finding creative ways (beyond making cards) using scraps from your kits can sometimes be a challenge. I hate to just toss mine (especially when they are as awesome as they are from the April kit!) so I try to come up with different ways of fitting them into some of my creative projects. For using some of my scraps from the April kit I put together a little altered notebook and pencil set for my daughter...she loves it! The notebook used to have a picture of the head of a horse on it, in my opinion, the new version is a big improvement!

Please be sure to share what you do with your scraps from kits (assuming you have some left that is!).



Blogger Stephanie Baxter said...

Fabulous :) I love this idea!

3:40 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

How adorable, just love this little creation! Recently found your kit club at Pub Calls and I just love your blog and kits!

12:34 AM  

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