Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Do you scrap about YOU?

It's always the same thing isn't it? WE are not in the pictures. We scrap about our kids, but not about OURSELVES.

I recently stumbled upon a site called Everything-About-Scrapbooking.com. It is a confusing site, because of all the ads that are there. However, I did manage to find a gem in there: a weekly challenge called "A YOU Scrapbooking Idea". Every week, it gives you a topic to scrap about. The good part? It's all about YOU!

To see the past topics, click here. You will have to scroll down to see the list. You can also do like I did and add it to your blog feeder. You will then be able to see all the new topic ideas that are posted.

I hope this can give you ideas to scrap about YOU!


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