Sunday, April 04, 2010

Mist technique

Happy April!

I admit I am very new to the misting world. I only have one color that I got for free at CHA. But, after how this page turned out, I think I'll be buying more.

I wanted to keep this page really simple, but not boring. I cut a bracket out of the Dear Lizzy paper and then saw my mist that was the same color. I decided to hold down the paper and mist it against the white paper. Then... I picked up my paper and moved it over an inch before gluing it down. So, it gave it this look:

I really like how it turned out. I also had fun misting just the bird and not the wing for a different look. The burlap left over from the March kit added just the right texture and I added my picture and was done. It was by far the fastest layout I've made in a long time.One other fun and different thing I did on this... I sewed on the lines for my journaling in black thread. You probably can't tell -- but those are just straight stitched lines that I wrote on!

Enjoy! Jennie


Blogger CarrieB said...

love the idea of using stiching as a journaling block, so to speak!! Hope I can remember to do that!

9:16 PM  
Blogger Bamabel said...

Love the misting! I am new to that as well. I only have one bottle so far, but want tons more. I love your bird!! It's beautiful!

11:22 AM  

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