Monday, April 05, 2010

tip of the day.....

I wanted to show you what I made--quickly--I'm talking 5 minutes--with one of the AWESOME papers in the April kit. First off, here is the paper:
And now here is the card:
When I saw this paper I saw this in my head. I cut one set of "petals", then another set of "petals" and layered them up with a pop dot. For the center I used a button from my stash, but you could use glitter glue, a jewel or a circle piece cut out from the paper. (the rubon and bling are from my stash as well....)
I ended up stitching around the edges for a finished look. Seriously FUN card--5 minutes.



Blogger Bamabel said...

Super cute! Great idea!

11:21 AM  

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